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How to Change Joomla Footer or Remove Powered By/CopyRight

One of the things you may want to do before launching a new website is to edit Joomla footer, to remove the Powered by Joomla message, change the copyright notice, or otherwise perform other changes to the Joomla footer module.

This is a fairly simple change, but it might be made a bit more complicated if the theme you have chosen actually overrides the default Joomla functionality.

In this guide, we'll take you through all the different ways you can use to change the Joomla footer. 

How to change or remove "powered by Joomla" footer

By default, Joomla installations contain the following message:

"Joomla! is free software released under the GNU/GPL license."

There is no need to keep this message on your website unless you want to help spread the word about the CMS. Most people, however, will want to either remove this message completely or create their own footer, maybe adding a Copyright text.

Older versions of Joomla had a different message:

"Powered by Joomla!"

Whatever the case may be, we will show you a number of different ways that you can create your own custom Joomla footer.

joomla footer module message

By default, a Joomla installation comes with a footer module. This is a simple module that is used to display copyright information.

footer copyright information

If you want to get rid of this information, the first thing you should do is unpublish the Footer module and see whether the information is gone. 

There are various ways to do this, the one you'll need to use depends on the version you are using, or possibly the theme you are using.

Another way of changing this it to update the code of the actual theme itself, especially if you have tried to unpublish the Joomla footer module, and the copyright information still appears.

In this case, you might need to tweak the code to fix this. 

There are two ways to change the code in Joomla, you either edit the code directly, or create a template override.

If you edit the code directly, then update the theme, your code changes will be lost. If you perform a template override, the code will persist even after the original template is updated.

Joomla 3

We're going to do the change in the Protostar template. In this case, we can't perform a template override, because the change needs to be performed on the index.php file directly (this is where the copyright information exists).

    • Go to Extensions > Templates > Templates
    • Click on Protostar details and files
    • Click on index.php
    • Scroll to the bottom until you find the <!-- Footer --> in the code
  • Edit this line &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php echo $sitename; ?> to your preferred information

As you can see above, the code displays the current year through the PHP date() function and then displays the name of the site. You can change this code to whatever you want to display in the footer.

If you remove all that line, nothing will be displayed in the footer.

Reference: Collectiveray>com